Multi-Housing Laundry Sales & Service
What’s inside matters. Let’s face it, running a multiple-housing laundry facility can be a challenge. That’s why we’re here to help make your job easier.
When you put Maytag equipment in your laundry facilities, you accomplish several goals:
- You provide a premium amenity that keeps residents happy.
- You offer equipment that provides dependable performance and delivers outstanding cleaning.
- You also stand to benefit from dramatic savings on your utility costs.
Proper laundry facilities can be an important part of planning and maintaining any multi-unit housing. Many tenants need and look for laundry facilities when considering housing, and convenient facilities can often impact their leasing decisions. Having on-site laundry can help make a great impact in attracting and keeping tenants and can also be a valuable source of additional revenue!
Whether you provide complementary or vended laundry services, Midland offers equipment designed to perfectly fit the multi-housing market and we know you are working hard to minimize your energy and water usage. That’s why you’ll find Maytag Commercial equipment in multi-housing laundries worldwide.
With Midland you have flexible options:
- Purchase
- Lease
- Rent
- Revenue Share
Enjoy the hassle-free benefit of equipment that’s owned and maintained by Midland, your professional Maytag and Whirlpool laundry supplier. Midland has been involved in the revenue share market since it started in the coin laundry business over 40 years ago. Midland will provide regular, accountable collections and share the revenue with you – so you’ll have one less thing to worry about in your busy schedule. And you can count on Midland to keep the equipment running right with fast, efficient service.
For quality products you can trust, contact Midland Commercial today.